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St Mary's Primary School, Maghery

Primary 7 Leavers 2023

23rd Jun 2023

Today we said 'Goodbye' to our Primary 7 pupils - Friday 23rd June 2023 was their last day as a pupil of St Mary's Primary School.

We started the day with our 'Leavers’ Mass' and wish to thank Fr.Garrett Campbell for his reflective service.
The children then returned to school with their parents for an assembly where they received their Records of Achievement. The assembly began with the children playing their musical instruments and a poem recited together. This was followed with watching our memories and class videos. A special thanks to Mrs Delaney for preparing this for the children.

Tea and treats followed, thanks to Jean for the cake, Siobhan for the delicious treats and to Patricia and Lisa for organising everything.

It was a very emotional morning, and this group of children will be missed greatly throughout the school.
They have been a delight to teach, and we wish them all the best in whatever the future holds.

Class of 2023, always remember, whatever you decide to do make sure it always makes you happy.