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St Mary's Primary School, Maghery

Outdoor Learning In Primary 1-3

25th May 2023

The children brought their learning outdoors today. As you can see there was lots of exciting activities all led by the children taking place.

These included:

  • Creating a friendly farm - the children explained how they "worked together to plan a farm where animals could live together". The children sorted the animals according to size and the food they needed to eat.
  • An experiment in the water tray - the children worked together to predict how many small buckets it would take to fill the big bucket. They discussed how it needed to be a "fair test"
  • building with the Lego blocks - the children designed a mansion with its own football pitch and an airport close by for the players to fly away.
  • Flowers on the art table - the children created flowers for our display for Mary. They focused on pattern, size, and shape.
  • Setting up a clothes and toyshop - the children used a range of materials to create clothes for their toy shop, they even invented their own sewing machine. The activity also involved them working with money to buy the clothes and give change.
  • Some children got some water on them during water play and they decided to sunbathe to help dry it up.