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St Mary's Primary School, Maghery

Maths Week 2023 - Friday Activities for P1-3

20th Oct 2023
Wow what a week of fun maths learning and exploring we have had in Primary 1-3.

Today was the last day of Maths Week Ireland and we finished with lots of practical activities.

We began the day with exploring length and the children were challed to work in pairs to build the tallest tower. Lots of collaborations and problem solving was evident as well as excitement when the tall towers stayed up.

After break there was excitement in the air as the children began a game of number pass the parcel. We practiced counting forwards and backwards, adding and counting to a beat. The children were delighted with their prizes. Thanks to Miss Robinson for providing them and for the kind donations from parents to help purchase them.

Our final activity of the week linked with our Incy Wincy Spider topic. The children used a range of shapes to create their own spiders.

Such a memorable week was had and I am sure the children will remember it for a long time to come.