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St Mary's Primary School, Maghery

Holy Communion

14th May 2022

Well done to all our Communicants today. You were amazing!  Thank you to all the children for attending the chapel to sing for Holy Communion. You sang your little hearts out.  Thank you Fr Campbell for a beautiful service and for the presentation of communion books to Ceallaigh, Enda, Joe, Joshua, Layla, Liam, Milo and Molly.


To our wonderful PTA  thank you for ensuring today was a brilliant day for our children and their families.  They all expressed their happiness on being able to, once again, celebrate in school.  The Party was a definite success.  Your efforts are deeply appreciated.


To Jean, thank you.  Once again the cake was exceptional  it didn’t last long.  


Wishing all our families a brilliant day in celebrating their boys and girls.