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St Mary's Primary School, Maghery

Eco Club Healthy Tuck Shop

27th Apr 2017

The Eco Club did an excellent job advertising, organising and promoting the healthy break tuck shop, which ran from 24th April until 28th April.  They had a very busy week, washing, chopping, making fruit kebabs and serving their hungry customers, including members of the P6 class from Birches PS who were here at their Shared Education lesson.

The Eco Club first conducted a survey to see which fruits the children in school preferred and which drinks were their favourite. From this the Eco Club devised a delicious menu, with fruit smoothies, fruit juices, raisins, crackers, fruit kebabs and a selection of favourite fruits.  A massive thankyou goes to all our customers this week and I think everyone will agree, we certainly did have a very healthy week eating all that delicious, fresh fruit. Well done Eco Club!