Board of Governors
Governors Address
St Mary’s Primary School has been inspired by the vision of numerous generations of past principals, teachers, governors and parents. We, as the Board of Governors, aspire to the holistic development of our students and seek to offer them every opportunity to enrich their educational and life experiences in preparation for the challenges of the 21st Century. We believe that high quality teaching and learning can empower pupils to strive for excellence in all aspects of life. We are committed to building a learning centre which both nurtures and promotes caring and confident students, who develop a strong sense of justice and who contribute to the wider community.
Members of the Board of Governors 2024/2028
Mrs Brenda Leathem (Chairperson) (Trustee Rep)
Mr Paul Forker (Vice Chairperson) (EA Rep)
Ms Leanne Fox (Secretary)(EA Rep)
Rev. Father Garrett Campbell (Trustee)
Mrs Aine Breslin (DENI Rep and Designated Child Protection officer for the Board of Governors)
Mr Gregory Hendron (Parent Trustee)
Mr Mark Convie (Parent Representative)
Mr Eoin Tennyson (Trustee Rep)
Miss Rita Robinson (Principal) / Mrs Sheena Copeland (Acting Principal)
St Mary's Primary School, 84 Maghery Road Dungannon County Tyrone BT71 6PA 028 38 85 1778